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                job title:Network Management

                Period of Validity:长期有效

                Location: Shantou

                Working experience: more than two years

                Education: College


                1, responsible for the maintenance of the local area network;
                2, server, router and other equipment management, and network platform operation monitoring and maintenance;
                3, office equipment maintenance and management; technical file maintenance;
                4, responsible for killing the virus, maintaining network security;
                5, dealing with network and computer failures;
                6, responsible for the internal information system construction, maintenance, domain name, background data, mailbox management.


                1, computer or IT related major; more than two years management experience;
                2, proficient in routers, switches, firewalls, telephone switches, VPN, access control and other network equipment settings and management;
                3, proficient in Windows 2003/2008 server operating system; proficient in the application of various types of Windows server principle and use;
                4, proficient in Unix/Linux server operating system; proficient in Shell scripts, Apache, Mrtg, SNMP or other software or protocol;
                5, strong learning ability, practical ability, good communication and cooperation ability, strong execution and communication ability, have good service consciousness.


                Information filling
                • Name:*

                • Sex:*

                • Education:*

                • Age:*

                • Mobile:*

                • Email:*

                • Address:*

                • Introduce:*

                  The content of the introduction should be not less than 50 words.